I have been quite busy these few days practically doing my school work. I'm trying to mug as much as i can! I kept telling myself to keep going...but soon after, I was dazing off again!Hah! I knew this was going to happen after all. But, no matter what, I will still perservere. Determination, endurance and perserverance is the key to keep me going...
Okay, keep that aside for now. No doubt i have been busy these few days, i still considered the facts about the weird feelings in me. I guess i was feeling a little emotional lately. I guess it is because i wasn't feeling ''right''. Okay, so how did this occurred? Basically, i was thinking much about ''love and feelings'' that i feel for someone..i DON'T KNOW WHY but i just got this big CRUSH on this particular guy..UNTIL i found out earlier on(like a few days ago) that he actually had a crush on ANOTHER GIRL..man, i felt like a pathetic asshole! Personally, i feel that if her DOESN'T like me then it's no point forcing him to right? I've decided that i should just let it go and let nature take it's course..as the fact is what it is. Oh man..
Oh Lord, please help me by letting all these problems filter out from my mind!I just can't stop fuming and rattling about this to others am i right?
''Nothing gained, nothing ventured''
Oh boy, i got to go again. See yah all soon!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I can do all the things through Christ who strengthens me. The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, red lights called enemies, a caution light called family. You will have flats called jobs. But, if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, a driver called JESUS, you will make it into a place called success..and that is what i believe can happen..
I realised that not everything you want can be yours..you have to work for what you want in life and not wanting it to come to you automatically..certain things are hard to say..I am now trying hard to focus on what is most important and leaving the rest to what it is.
* I want to see the beautiful sky once again..I want to come up from beneath and see the most beautiful things in the world..I want to pour out my pains and sorrows..God, how i wish you were there to help me and guide me along..
Posted by
Kirsten H
4:16 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
HAPPY cny guys!=) I didn't have the time to blog about yesterday so i shall talk about what i did yesterday:D
We had our school CNY celebration yesterday(come to think of it, I think it's kind of cool!). I spent some time helping out to clean the classroom(I swept the floor) and as well as putting up some decoration to make the classroom look more colourful, haha. Of course, we had to decorate our classroom because there was a ''Classroom CNY decoration competition'' going on. The judges look great and they too, took a look at our classroom's decoration and my friend(Syafie) funny and interesting speech, lol. Seriously, i hope we would win the competition!
After our dismissal at 12.30 pm, I went out with WF, YY, XN, CL to Bugis street. Like fine, i got there and it was soo freakingly sunny and crowded. I meant crowded as in there's a lot of people but not ''crowded'' like a standpit was going to occur! We all went to Bugis street's cafe and had our lunch there. WF and me talked and talked. It was fun though;D Later on, we all went our separate ways. WF and me went to Bugis Village and shop for the New Year clothes whilst the rest of them stayed on in Bugis Street. Okay, guess what? I met my another group of classmates!(which is YX's gang) Hahaha. Damn funny la. I was walking and out of a sudden, i heard someone calling out my name!Haha! Talked a short while about the bargaining of clothes and stuffs, hahaha.
I accompanied WF to buy some of her necessities. And again, I met Eric! Wow, Singapore is really damn small la. I still saw some of the AMKsians around at Bugis Village, lol. Woo...is that your girlfriend? Haha..
It's good to be close to someone you know really well..anyway, I came across this phrase..but this phrase have been rumbling in my mind for quite some time already, that is, '' If i had the chance to hold you, I would never let you go''. I wished I had the chance to do so, so as long as you allow me to..I don't expect too much either. I will let fate decide on my future...Oh yes! YES YES YES. I remembered I dreamt of you 2 odd weeks ago. Oh gosh..I didn't even know why the heck i dreamt of you!Haha! What a weird dream I've had man..but it was a good one..
*For you :
I am glad that you have known what is right and what is wrong. Apparently, you just did it according to what I have said. But, I believe you know what you are doing..you aren't a child any longer! You are a big girl now. I can't be always telling you what to do and what not to, am i right? You have to make be decisive and make the correct decisions. I am glad that you thought it through and broke off with him. I don't think that he is a bad boy but the thing is that you are still young..wait till you are much older, you will find the right person. I believe there are more than one choices. You are perfectly fine! Not to worry, hahaha. I will be there for you. ALWAYS!
Posted by
Kirsten H
11:29 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Well, today was quite a Monday blues for me, practically for everyone.Haha. I think i slept too late last night that i was feeling quite lethargic this morning.Heh. After school, i went to Bras Basha Shopping Centre with Thiam Jin and Wei Fang to Art Friend as TJ wanted to get some art materials. Also, we went on to another art shop. WF and I saw this whole box of different coloured ribbons and we thought of buying it.Haha.It looks so nice! I think we were tempted by the colour and texture of it ;) After pondering, we finally bought our desired colours. But the thing was that we did not have enough cash on us, so we borrowed money from TJ,hahaha. Sorry TJ! I will return you the $$ tomorrow or Wednesday!Hahaha.Hopefully tomorrow! :)
Yeah, we went to WF's mum eatery and ate some mouth-watering and super-delicious Thai food!It was quite a fulfiling meal despite the spicyness and filling food.Haha. I enjoyed the Tom Yam soup!Nice!Hehheh. Thank God, i ate to my fulfil. hahaha! And now, i am having stomache cramps again. AHHh!. :(
After having our dinner, it was already 7 plus. We took a bus from city hall and home we went!Gosh,my legs are aching after the long walk that we had.Haha.By the time i reached home, it was already 9pm.
I got to rush now, i think i will blog again quite sometime after...Chinese New Year,hahaha.
Posted by
Kirsten H
6:15 AM